Tuesday, October 25, 2005

In the office more than usual today. For a change of pace I am listening to Radio America. Check out their program guide. Sometimes I just gotta take a break from the same-old, same-old. Only four days till Glenn Beck's "Freak or Treat" show at the Easton State Theatre. I hope he plans on handing out free copies of his magazine, "Fusion." I've been wanting to subscribe but was afraid it would be too much like the "Limbaugh Letter" - meaning 12-14 glossy pages monthly for like $49.95 a year or something.
Radio America Program Guide: http://www.radioamerica.org/schedule.htm
Glenn Beck:

Monday, October 10, 2005

I've been listening to Andrew Wilkow on WABC for a while now. I didn't know that he was the founder of the Conservative Punk website (www.conservativepunk.com). That is interesting because I believed that I actually emailed with him for a little while a little over a year ago before I knew he had a radio show. You should take a look at Conservative Punk and his WABC Radio station profile:
Here is a short story about the Conservative Punk website:

Gripe. What is the deal with the WABC weekend promos that Curts Sliwa and Ron Kuby record for their Monday morning Curtis and Kuby show? The information in the promos does not bug me, it's the way Curtis introduces himself for these promos:
"THIISS is Curtis Sliwa...and I'm Ron Kuby..."

Friday, October 07, 2005

21 days to Glenn Beck at the Easton State Theatre!

I just joined the forum at www.marklevinfan.com. If you're a Talk Radio junky you should definetly check out this site and the forum.

I've been listening to Bob Grant and Bill O'Reilly in the afternoons on WOR from New York City more often. I can't just listen to Rush and Hannity all afternoon.

Monica Crowley's show on WABC on Saturday and Sunday? Alright, there's something about the show that really bugs me. You've heard it- the show begins - there's the hard rock bumper music and some rock dude says "Let's do it!" - the music fades and then Monica says: "Alright, let's do it!" and then begins her show. I really hate this and wish she would just stop. It just seems really cheesy.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Going to see Glenn Beck at the Easton State Theatre on October 29th. It's his Freak or Treat show and I can't wait!!


Great news! What was once a decent blog dedicated to the one and only Mark Levin has now gone full blown into www.marklevinfan.com. Check it out!

I've been listening to Bob Grant a lot on WOR from NYC. I like his show...

So... While driving back from the Lehigh Valley quite often a few weeks ago I was able to listen to Michael Savage on WAEB (C'mon, all these links are posted to the right). I think he is a very entertaining, listenable and educated host. I can see why some people don't care for him (alright - hate him!) because I heard him put down Mark Levin stating that you can't be a conservative and a lawyer - like it's an oxymoron. I also heard him put down Rush Limbaugh's optimism. Hey, the guy's got an opinion. I enjoyed listening to his show.

This is a response I got to a post a few weeks ago regarding a letter from a reader who wanted to know if Mark Levin's show was archived, etc.
As far as I know WABC does not offer an archive of shows. Many high profile syndicated hosts own and archive their own shows and offer it as premium content on their own websites, such as Rush 24/7. If you want to create your own recordings, check out Replay Radio - http://replay-video.com/index.php.

I almost forgot... Monica Crowley of WABC and MSNBC has a new website: Monica Memo (www.monicamemo.com) -- it's like her talk show only...you know, online!