Thursday, April 12, 2007

More Nappy-Headed Ho Stuff...Local DJ Fired For His Phrase That Pays - check out this great site!
PC Police in the Poconos
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Gary in the Morning, a morning DJ ( in my hometown was fired for using "I'm a nappy-headed ho" (referencing Don Imus' now infamous words) as his "phrase that pays" the other day. The station fired him because a local black leader and his drinking-buddy friends threatened to call the NAACP and the FCC.
WBRE video:
WSBG's Gary gets case of Imus-itis, gets fired
Michael SadowskiPocono Record WriterApril 11, 2007

Latest update, and active forum for comments on Gary Smith's firing.Breaking news update: Since this story was published, events have overtaken WSBG personality Gary Smith. He was fired upon reporting to work Wednesday morning for the situation described in this story. A complete story is in the works.Leaders of the local black community are scratching their heads over the comments of a Stroudsburg disc jockey.

Gary's comments 'crossed the line,' say radio execSupporters praise fired DJ for charity work
By HOWARD FRANKPocono Record WriterApril 11, 2007STROUDSBURG - Gary Smith, a local radio voice for 17 years, is off the air and out of a job for his comments during his "Gary in the Morning" show on WSBG 93.5 Tuesday, according to Rick Musselman, executive vice president/chief operating officer for Nassau Mid-Atlantic, parent of WSBG.“We reviewed the tape and have terminated him as of this morning," according to Musselman. He added “Gary has done a tremendous amount of good for both African-Americans and whites, but we feel his comments crossed the line."Smith had apparently used the phrase, "nappy-headed ho," that got nationally syndicated talk show host Don Imus in trouble earlier in the week. Imus used the term to describe the Rutgers girls' basketball team. According to listeners, Smith used "I'm a nappy-headed ho" as the "Phrase that Pays" on the air Tuesday morning.

Full story:


Blogger Cat Lady said...

Oh my god, I had a flash back to the time you wrote about the witches on Main st. that put a hand in a mail box. I thought this was another story you made up, truth is stranger than ficition.

9:25 AM  

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